Der Haustyrann

Žánr: Feature film / Trailer
Rok: 1958/1959
Minutáž: 03:36 min
Popis: Coffee house owner Paul Perlacher is a really disgusting person: He not only bullies his family but also his tenant Amalie Hartung whom he even takes to court – although to no avail. Even the guests of his coffee house have to suffer the stickler′s temper tantrums – and refuse to return to the coffee house. Nevertheless, Perlacher behaves inconvincible – until he offends a judge and is summoned to court himself.
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / Kinowelt Home Entertainment (Leipzig)
Director: Hans Deppe
Typ dokumentu:
Language: de